The High Level marijuana strain is created with the aim of providing a 100% Sativa strain with a Haze genetics but without the smell and incense aroma typical of these genetics, yet seeking a more sweet and fruity flavour.
Buy High Level
To achieve High Level, a powerful South African Sativa named Lesotho was crossed with a very stable and productive Skunk Haze. Eva Seeds offers this Sativa in the form of feminised seeds.

The result is a fast and vigorous growing plant that in a short time forms large plants with many branches. It forms thin leaves and stems typical of pure Sativas, with a high and wide structure. It responds well to pruning such as FIM or apical and to SCROG crops. Very resistant against attacks from fungi such as Oidium and Botrytis, at unfavourable temperatures and high humidity.
During the flowering phase it forms long resinous buds with an intense aroma of sweet fruit.
High Level has a strong sweet flavour of ripe fruits with pepper-type spicy touches.

It has a very powerful, stimulating, cerebral and creative effect. Ideal for day use, gatherings with friends and as stimulant of the artistic creation. Also used as medicinal marijuana to lift the mood.
It easily adapts to all types of growing (indoor, outdoor, greenhouse) and media (soil, coco, hydro,…), with high nutritional needs both for growth and flowering.
Indoor growing of High Level:
High Level has a fast flowering for the genetics it contains, in only 55-60 days flowering it will be ready to harvest, after the appropriate growth.
We recommend you provide a height of approximately 50 cm when time cycle change to start the flowering (12h light and 12h darkness) and end the flowering with plants of around 80-100 cm.

We recommend you plant 9 seeds per square meter if you are going to use definitive pots of 7L, or 6 plants per meter if you use pots of 11L.
It yields around 450-600 grams per square meter depending on the media and growing conditions.
Outdoor growing of High Level:
High Level has great vigour in outdoor growing, forming large plants in a short period of time, which can reach 1.8 and 2.5 meters depending on the sowing time.
It yields around 500 grams – 1 Kilo per plant depending on the growing, size of the growing medium and conditions received.
North hemisphere:
The sowing time is between March-June to harvest around the 1-15 October.
South hemisphere:
The sowing time is between September-December to harvest around the 1-15 April.

*It can be grown out of season whenever the environmental conditions enables so and always taking into consideration the hours of light, as this is a light-dependant feminized strain.
THC: High (16-19%) CBD: Low